My Toy 1

This is the first part in a series of files that will turn you into my toy. This series of files is very unusual for me, as I will take more direct control over you. This is primarily about making you a better subject for me, but also about you experiencing serious mind control in a safe way.

For this mind control series, you need a string tied around your wrist or ankle, as all the effects work only for as long as you wear it. This string is a safety measure as well as part of the training. It will remind you that you are a toy, and yet you can always cut it.

You will also have to fulfill a small task after listening to each file to deepen the mind control and keep a simple log in which you note every listening of a file. Even with the added safety via the string, this might not be for everyone. This series deals with serious control.

In this file you will learn the rules for this journey, the safety measures, what to do and how to do it. You will also get your first task and a small taste of what is to come.

Please write a comment if you want more files in this series.

Listen to this Hypnosis for free now!

You like what you hear? Please keep in mind that this really takes a lot of time and efford. If you want to support me, please visit my profle at PATREON and help me too keep Vive Hypnosis alive!

41 replies
  1. Mike
    Mike says:

    Wow, das fühlt sich gut an. Ich mag das kribbeln das sie bei mir auslôsen. Habe MyToy zwar erst 1x gehört, hat mr aber richtig gute Gefühle ausgelöst. Danke, ihr Toy

  2. Chris
    Chris says:

    I am your toy. I am feeling so aroused. Its so blissfully good. I love it sir. I am feeling so submissive. Thank you so much

  3. David
    David says:

    I am a toy. I am Master ViVe’s toy. Being Master ViVe’s toy is bliss! This file had a much stronger effect on me than I thought it would. There are large portions that are completely blank to me, that I have no memory of. And I almost never experience amnesia after a trance. I count this amnesia as a blessing, as a sign that Master ViVe will take more and more and more control of my mind. I felt compelled to kneel with my forehead on the floor during my task. My string is on my left ankle, so this was a challenge, but I found the strength to do it to show my submission to Master ViVe. I found myself licking and kissing the floor, imagining that Master ViVe’s feet had trodden there and wanting to experience some small taste of him. I must have and listen to more files from Master ViVe. I must listen to “My Toy 1” again immediately!

  4. David
    David says:

    Third listen completed. I am a toy. I am Master ViVe’s toy. I need to listen to and absorb more and more of Master ViVe’s files!

  5. Kris
    Kris says:

    I am you’re toy. I finished my first task. I love your control i want to lose it more & more. Im working my hardest to be in your control. Makes me feel so good. I just need to be deeper. Ty sir. I am your toy. Even the sound of being in your control makes me feel so submissive towards you. You’r voice makes my heart beat. In a way you want my heart to beat. Mmmm. Craving for more. I need to be told what to do..

  6. Toy
    Toy says:

    I’m your toy, master. I love to touch my string. I finished the first task and the log. I crave to fully become a toy. There is nothing else in my mind.

  7. Chris
    Chris says:

    I am your toy, i will wait till you give me more orders sir, i really enjoy so much doing what you order me to do, it does something so good to me inside that i just want more, i crave it. Mmmm. I am your toy sir. I want to be deeper in your control. Ty sir so much.

  8. HypnoSub
    HypnoSub says:

    I am your toy.

    I listened to the file for the first time and I happily obeyed and did what you told me to do. I can’t wait listening to the other files.
    I am submissive to you. You have complete control over me. I am your toy.

    • HypnoSubject
      HypnoSubject says:

      Second listening. Couldn’t resist when I got the next undisturbed moment to continue my conditioning.
      I love being your toy and I beg you to continue this series even I’m at this early state I know that I have to listen to all your Toy files because I am your mindless, obedient little toy.
      Play with me, master.

      It’s No Nut November and I am taking part so instead of pleasuring myself I put all my arousal into my submission and devotion to you.

      • HypnoSub
        HypnoSub says:

        Third listening.
        I feel the control you have over me.
        Play with me, master, I am your will-less toy happy to be commanded, happy to give you pleasure by obeying your orders.
        Kneeling there, deeply submissive, writing these lines.
        I will continue my training asap to become your perfekt toy to play with.

        • HypnoSub
          HypnoSub says:

          Fourth listening.
          I went even deeper this time but I still felt every single word sinking deep into my mind and deepen master’s control.
          I am a toy to be played with by master. I want to please master. I want to be a good toy.

          • HypnoSub
            HypnoSub says:

            Fifth listening.
            I feel thankful for being allowd to serve master as his mindless toy. I trained properly with this file and follwed every command to be permitted to deepen master’s control with the next file. There’s no other goal than serving master as a toy to play with and deepen my servitude.
            I will immedeately listen to the next file.

  9. Sidra
    Sidra says:

    My 4th listen and I feels so good and aroused please make more files I want to be the perfect toy for you

  10. Sidra
    Sidra says:

    I am a toy, this is my 5th listen and I love doing my tasks and being a toy can’t wait to do more tasks and keep feeling this good


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